One Big Reason to Get a HEPA Filter

HEPA filters stop the vast majority (99.7%) of airborne particles greater than 0.3 microns. Most of the time, you’ll never need a filter that stops even smoke particles, but when you do, we have what you need.
The CFB-HP is a filter box that is meant to be used with an external fan. We also have several HEPA filter/fan combination boxes, but here’s a few reasons why you would use an external fan:
- You want to distribute air evenly throughout your house or office
- Very low sound levels (talk to us about how to do this)
- When paired with an EC (electronically commutated fan), the energy use drops dramatically
- You may want to direct the clean air or filter air from a particular room or area
- This filter box works well with HRV’s
- To avoid smoke infiltration during smoke situations, one strategy is to pull outside air through this HEPA filter and pressurize your house with clean air.
As always, please feel free to call our technical sales people for any application assistance. 888-855-7229 or email us at